Social Media and Staying Well: Boundaries, Comparison and Digital Detox

Social media is a part of our lives, now. Most of us use it — whether it’s for personal or business use, and whether we love sharing our stories on Facebook, or posting our photos on Instagram, or outlining our most important opinions on Twitter.

 But we’re also learning more and more about the impact of social media and mental health. Studies show that frequent use of social networking sites is linked to depression and anxiety, and social media is highly addictive.

 I love social media. It allows me to connect with clients and with friends; to share my passion and find out what others in my industry are up to. But I firmly believe that boundaries are vital if we want to stay healthy and protect our self-esteem.


Comparing Yourself to Others

Social media allows us to see what others are doing, what they look like, and how great their lives are all the time. Inevitably, we compare ourselves to them — we wonder why we’re less beautiful, less successful, less joyful than the people we see online.

 We know that social media offers a curated, ideal version of any given person’s life. And yet…we’re still drawn in. We still compare. We still feel less than them if our lives aren’t matching up to theirs.

 So, I recommend doing these two simple things to protect your wellbeing. You can make the most of the fabulous aspects of social media without being harmed by its downsides.


1.     Set Boundaries

 You don’t have to keep looking at that Instagram account that makes you feel terrible. You don’t have to consume content that puts you in a bad mood. And you don’t have to scroll through social media thirty times a day.

 Unfollow accounts that don’t bring genuine value or positive emotions into your life. Marie Kondo your social media accounts think does this spark joy in my life if the answer is no … You can do it — just click that button! If they make you feel bad, they’re not worth your time. It doesn’t mean that the owner of that account isn’t a good person; it simply means that their content isn't right for you.

 And make a decision about what time of day you’ll check social media, and how long for. Setting time limits means you’ll be more aware of how long you’re online, and less likely to scroll all day long.


2.     Schedule a Regular Digital Detox


Aim to have a day off from social media at least once a month — and ideally, make it a day off from screens altogether. Get outside, spend focused time with family and friends, and do things that make you feel healthy and alive.

 Including digital detox days as part of your monthly, or even weekly routine, will help you keep on top of your relationship with your smartphone. You’ll notice when it feels uncomfortable to be away from social media; and feeling unsettled by that is a good sign that you need to give yourself a longer break, and recalibrate your perspective.

 It’s not easy to set and stick to boundaries when our online lives are so important to our social and professional existence. But you can do it; and with commitment, you’ll reap the rewards. You’ll feel more present, more creative, less anxious, and more confident.


Does our well being depend on more touch?