COVID-19 Guidance

What to expect When I re-open

I would like to start by thanking you for your continued support through these unprecedented times, I have missed you all terribly and cannot wait to see your faces once again. 

I am working extremely hard behind the scenes to make sure that everything is in place to welcome you back to the salon.  Over the past couple of months, I have been preparing BH BEAUTY ROOM creating a super safe environment for you all to welcome you back to enjoy your treatments. I wanted to share with you the actions I am taking to ensure the health of my clients. 

For all of you who know me, I am going above and beyond recommended standard procedures and guidelines.   

Keeping Us Safe

I have been working extremely hard behind the scenes to provide you a lovely, relaxing, and most importantly SAFE environment.  Here are some of the things I’ve been doing:

  • Removing all unnecessary surfaces and products

  • Deep cleaning at the treatment room and the route up to it including; door handles, light switches, and handrails

  • Invested in new furniture to ensure easier sanitisation/ disinfection after every client

  • Sourced additional cleaning products

  • Sourced PPE, gloves, aprons, mask, visors …

  • Replaced fabric surfaces with wipeable (e.g. manicure chairs, pillows, etc.)

  • Covid-19 risk assessment complete

  • Invested in a thermometer to ensure safety within the salon

    Daily Hygiene and PPE

    BH BEAUTY ROOM prides itself on health & safety in the salon anyway, but to put your mind at rest I am ensuring you our usual high levels of hygiene will be enhanced with extra precautions to keep you all safe.  The ROOM and all areas will be thoroughly disinfected between each treatment along with the sterilisation and sanitation of all tools and equipment.   

  • I will be cleaning and sanitising each treatment room thoroughly before and after your appointment including all tough points

  • I will wear a new apron and gloves for each client and change my mask when necessary

  • All laundry will be washed at 60 degrees

  • I will remain masked during your treatment

  • I will space out client’s bookings to ensure good room ventilation

  • There will no longer be a waiting area, and this will be replaced with a text message system

  • I will monitor my health daily

  • All windows will be open throughout the day (if reasonably possible) to allow for better air flow and filtration

  • All disposable items are always economically friendly where necessary (this has always been the case but want you all to know that you’re in safe hands)

  • All bins are lined and peddle operated to avoid spread

  • Hand sanitisers are located throughout BH BEAUTY ROOM for use at any time

  • Appointments are limited to reduce volume and extra time between has been extended for additional cleaning time  

    When you come to your appointment

    Before visiting, please make sure you are symptom free and that you have not traveled in the past 15 days, if you are unwell PLEASE CANCEL your appointment,

  • Complete and return our COVID-19 health check form which will be emailed to you prior to your appointment

  • When you arrive please wear a mask, if you do not have one, we can provide one for you for a small charge

  • Clients will have a touch free temperature check upon arrival

  • Please attend all appointments alone

  • Please refrain for eating within the premises

  • Please limit the number of personal belongings you bring to your appointment with you. 

  • You will be provided with hand sanitiser upon arrival which must be used immediately

  • We will be unable to provide drinks at the moment but please feel free to bring one with you

  • Please arrive on time to your appointment I will be providing a text service as I will not be offering a waiting area.  I will text you at the time of your appointment to let you know we are ready for you

  • Please leave all keys and phones in your bag or pockets and do not take them out during your treatment unless necessary

  • Please avoid bring a coat (if possible)

  • Payment can be made via BACS in advance (contact me for details) however, cash will be accepted

  • Please wait outside to be seen

  • Please observe social distancing

  • All skin consultations will be made via video calls to discuss treatments options at this time click here for your virtual consultation form

  • Please refrain for touching things when not needed i.e. nail colour ring, display products etc.  

    Please note there will be a £3 surcharge added to all services for the coming weeks (hopefully not too long) See below for further explanation.  

    Booking an appointment

    Please contact me direct for an appointment on 07854111372 or book online  

    What’s the COVID-19 surcharge

    There will be a slight temporary price increase of £3 per booking during this difficult time.   The COVID-19 surcharge is a small fee to help with the cost of PPE, cleaning equipment and extra time allowance between customer, hopefully in time this will not be necessary and will be removed as soon as possible.  This will not be making a profit, just a small amount to keep me afloat, I hope you understand.

    We have been advised to increase prices on all prices due to COVID-19 and my prices were due a change however only certain treatments have increased, and the increase has been kept to a minimum. 

    I am very optimistic bout returning to normal so please know as soon as we can this surcharge will be removed.

    I am also hoping that this will push all clients to book all treatments they are wanting in the treatment room to the same treatment slot, this allows better safety and less time taking up deep cleaning and you having to pay the surcharge more than necessary.   

    I cannot wait to see you!! Please be reassured that whilst this may seem far from the service you are used to at BH BEAUTY ROOM it will be the same warm, friendly therapist and fantastic treatments that you are used to. We understand there is a lot of changes, hopefully short-lived ones.



Exfoliation Explained


Skincare as simple as 1,2,3