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What is LED Light Therapy and the Dermalux Difference?

What is Light therapy or Phototherapy?

Phototherapy literally means ‘treatment with light’

LED Phototherapy is the application of low-level light energy delivered via spectrally pure ‘bioactive’ (having a biological effect) wavelengths to stimulate or regulate biological process with proven therapeutic results. It uses coloured wavelengths of visible light which have specific skin benefits. As a result of ageing, skin disorders or trauma, healthy skin cells are compromised and unable to renew themselves normally.

How does it work?

LED Phototherapy is based on the principle that living cells are able to absorb and are influenced by light and the treatment has long been recognised for its regenerating and anti-inflammatory properties. While we often associate light exposure with skin ageing and damage, light also has many positive influences on the body. It helps us produce vitamin D and provides energy and serotonin and can also accelerate our skin’s natural repair processes. The differences between the positive and negative effects of light are the amount and the parts of the light spectrum we are exposed to. On-going exposure to UV is very damaging but controlled levels of Red, Blue and Near Infrared light are clinically proven to be beneficial.

The treatment involves exposing the skin to low levels of this beneficial light energy from the visible and infrared part of the light spectrum which energise cellular functions to stimulate various cellular processes with therapeutic effects. Skin cells that are energised function better and regenerate faster which in turn leads to younger, healthy and radiant skin.

However be aware not all LED devices are the same, you should look at the efficacy of the machine which is based on the wavelengths and energy emitted. Dermalux devices are Medically Certified and Clinically proven to treat Acne, Wound Healing, Psoriasis and Pain (musculoskeletal). Also for a range of cosmetic indications including skin rejuvenation, pigmentation and redness/sensitive skin conditions.

At BH BEAUTY ROOM, I use the a dermalux device for all LED light therapy, is a non-invasive treatment that uses clinically proven therapeutic light energy to trigger the skins natural rejuvenation and repair processes without pain or downtime.
From the first treatment, Dermalux instantly boosts the complexion to restore vitality and glow. A treatment course offers cumulative benefits and can be targeted to specific skin concerns for the face and body with lasting and visible improvement.

Power of Light

Dermalux is a UK manufacture of Medically Certified LED devices they pride themselves on the energy emitted and specific penetration of the wavelengths which have been clinically proven.

Blemish fighting blue light destroys the bacteria which causes spots and improves skin clarity without irritation. It also has a calming effect for problem skin conditions.

Rejuvenating Red light energises cells to accelerate renewal, boost collagen and elastin production and increase hydration for smoother firmer skin. Ideal for restoring vitality and glow.

Regenerating Near Infrared light offers advanced rejuvenation benefits, promotes healthy skin, calms redness and irritation and helps to reduce pigmentation.

For enhanced and accelerated results, Dermalux therapy uniquely delivers multiwavelength treatments which are tailored to suit your skins needs.

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How does it work?
Our skin has the ability to absorb light energy and use it to stimulate or regulate essential cell processes. LED Phototherapy is the application of beneficial wavelengths from the visible and infrared part of the light spectrum which have proven skin enhancing benefits. Skin cells that are energised function better and can renew up to 200% faster accelerating regeneration and repair.

What are the benefits?
Dermalux uses unique combinations of clinically proven Blue, Red and Near Infrared wavelengths to boost collagen production, increase hydration, calm redness and irritation and blitz blemish causing bacteria. As the light triggers a whole cascade of skin enhancing processes, the benefits continue even
after the treatment has finished.

What does the treatment involve?
Dermalux is a relaxing, pain free experience with proven mood enhancing effects. Enjoy some luxury me-time as your skin absorbs the energising light to kick start cell regeneration, calm irritation or restore radiance. Each treatment last up to 30 minutes and with no downtime, you can simply get up and glow! The appointment will take roughly 45 minutes, we prep the skin before and after the light therapy.

How long does it take for light therapy to work?
You can see results from the first treatment, however we would recommend a minimum course of six,' explains Kelly. 'If you would like to super charge your skin for specific skin concerns, an intensive course of twelve treatments is advised close together.

What skin types should try light therapy?
Light therapy is good for all skin types, literally everyone, and incredible for rosacea.

Does light therapy hurt?
No, LED light therapy is completely non-invasive and does not hurt. All you'll feel is a tiny bit of warmth.

Can you get a tan from light therapy?
Nope! Light Therapy doesn't use UV light so there's no risk of tanning whatsoever.

Is it better to have a course of treatments?
Yes depending on what your concern is and how quickly you would like to see results.

An intensive course of 12 treatments taken in close succession is recommended for optimum cell activation. Supercharge your skin for visible and lasting improvement. Once completed follow with maintenance treatments. (Activate packages available)
However, this isn't to say that a individual treatment won't still benefit your skin. Individual treatments energise the skin to instantly revitalize a dull complexion, restore luminosity or calm irritation. A perfect boost before a special event or as part of an on-going maintenance programme. (Boots Packages and individual treatments available)
You can also upgrade your favourite facial treatments with Dermalux for superior and longer lasting results or to calm sensitivity. I will advise you on the best combination for your skin. (Combination upgrades available with any skin or body treatment).

How much does professional light therapy cost?
At BHBR an Individual Treatment Dermalux LED treatment will cost £40 this will include a consultation, skin prep pre and post treatment and the maximum 30 minutes under the light. You can also choose to Combine the LED treatment with you skin (or body treatment) for £20 upgrade.

Activate Package £400 - Save £80 buy course of 10 and get 11th and 12th free
Boost Package £200 - Save £40 buy course of 5 and get 6th free
Individual Treatment £40 Combine for £20 upgrade

For more information or to book your LED Light Therapy Treatment contact @bhbeautyroom today