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The Anti-Ageing Power of Sleep

The positive effects of sleep on our bodies and minds are huge — and scientists are discovering new benefits all the time.

A study conducted by Aviva (UK insurance providers) for their wellbeing report revealed that as many as 16 million UK adults* are suffering from sleepless nights as a (31%) say they have insomnia. Almost half (48%) agree they don’t get the right amount of sleep. However, improving sleep is the biggest health ambition for a quarter (26%) of UK adults but half (51%) don’t take any measures to help them sleep. These figures interesting remained the same for two years running suggesting that few have been successful in improving their sleeping patterns. And this isn’t good, because getting enough good quality sleep is crucial for our physical and mental health.

To help motivate you to take care of your sleep routine and strive for solid hours of Zzz’s every night, I wanted to share a little known, but clinically proven, discovery: Getting enough sleep improves the health and appearance of your skin, and reduces the effects of ageing. A clinical study commissioned by beauty giant Estée Lauder found that the quality and duration of a person’s sleep has an impact on the skin’s function, and its visible signs of ageing.

People who don’t sleep well, or who don’t sleep for long enough, showed increased signs of ageing including wrinkles and blemishes. Their skin also took longer to recover from stressors in their environment, such as UV radiation or chemicals passing through the skin barrier. In contrast, those who sleep well and have a regular sleep routine are more likely to have healthy skin that bounces back quickly from environmental stressors. If you’re noticing lots of new wrinkles, or your skin feels more sensitive than it used to be, take a look at your sleep habits.

Signs that you’re not sleeping enough could include:

  • Feeling very tired (of course!) or fatigued

  • Being irritable, moody, or very low

  • Frequent yawning

  • Poor memory, or difficulty concentrating and learning new concepts or skills

  • Lack of motivation

  • Increased appetite or cravings for high-carb, high-sugar foods

  • Being clumsy

  • Low or reduced sex drive

But a few simple lifestyle changes could drastically improve your sleep — and your skin.

The Sleep Foundation has studied sleep habits and sleep quality in detail. It recommends that establishing a regular evening routine will help to improve your sleep, and prevent unnecessary waking during the night.

Start building your own sleep routine with five tips:

  1. Go to bed and wake up at the same time each day. A consistent sleep schedule helps your body to establish a rhythm, so it’ll be easier for you to fall asleep quickly and then stay asleep.

  2. Switch off from all screens at least one hour before bed every night. The light from screens affects your body’s ability to produce the relaxing hormones you need to feel sleepy; and the content we consume on-screen is usually highly stimulating, too.

  3. Opt for relaxing activities in the evening. Try to build simple, relaxing elements into your evenings — such as reading, having a bath, chatting with a family member, or enjoying a hot cup of herbal tea.

  4. Make your bedroom a place of relaxation and comfort. Ensure that you feel calm when you go in there — minimise mess, get a comfortable mattress and pillows, and paint your bedroom with colours that inspire a peaceful mind.

  5. Don’t force it. If you can’t sleep, don’t lie there beating yourself up about it. Get up and go into another room for 15 minutes, where you can engage in a relaxing activity or sit quietly in meditation. Then try again.

Sleep well, friends!